Dean Wright looks at managing and forecasting your finances in his presentation at the latest ICKG Accelerate series

Business insightsBusiness startup

Last month, Dean Wright , took part in the Innovation Centre Knowledge Gateway (ICKG)’s Accelerate series, which explores the world of finance. Dean presented on helping you get to grips with managing and forecasting your finances under the following headings:

  • What financial documents are required for an investor or lender?
  • Financial Documents (as part of your business plan)
  • What financial documents are required for an investor or lender?
  • Profit and loss – What do you expect to see?
  • Balance sheet – What do you expect to see?
  • Cashflow – What do you expect to see?
  • Forecasting Tips and Tricks
  • What is breakeven Point and Why is it Important?
  • Business Run Rates
  • Tips and Tricks – Finance

If you were unable to attend the event but are interested in learning more about what Dean had to say, you can access his slide presentation here.

If you would like assistance with managing your financial forecasting, contact Dean on 01206 762200 or email him at